Saturday, April 24, 2010


FIVE (MAR/2009)
Size: 50cm x 50cm
Acrilic on Canvas

It is extremely curious how a number messes with people's heads. A background is just a background when somebody and add the number. Thus was born "Five," a picture filled novelty although seemingly shy.
A job that was born from the mixture of acrylic paint,
water and will prevail. Five chose to be so, because as always I say: the picture chooses the
who it wants to be. And that yes, chose to be "Five." Red, strong personality, aggressive.

So, think. How long do people stop to find meaning in the numbers? What can translate the number five?
Five are the human senses. There are five continents in the world.
Five is the number of equilibrium.
Five are the law books in the Bible (Pentateuch), are also the five books of the law in the Torah.
On the fifth day, God created animals, plants who lives on the sea, air and the land.
The fifth of the mouth is the pay day.There are five business days a week.
For numerologists, means intelligence, change, freedom, appetite for seduction and conquest - fickle feeling. Passif.

To mathematicians, a prime number. On court, a basketball team. In music are Jacksons. Fifth of Beethoven.
in the cartoons, five is the Speed race's car. five members of the Simpsons.
and five thousand things around this universe, almost impossible to list the curiosities of five.

each has a history with that number. And you, what is your story?



Dim.: 120cm x 110cm
Téc.: Óleo s/ tela

It's possible that Andy Warhol was the greatest pop icon of the movement and why not say
artist ahead of his time.
Created trends, paradigms broke, broke rules, tried several techniques, dared.
Sought in the daily raw material for their work. Caused controversy, bothered. Bothered
so much so that even if one of the creators of the band The Velvet Underground, ordered the inclusion of
beautiful Nico (lead singer of your choice), which later caused him to exit the group.

The first album cover, 1967, was reviewed in this work that brings a vibrant form
incursion in the dense disk Vevet Underground. With comics carefully harmonious
This screen is part of the work entitled "Discography".

Another curious fact is that the screen has attracted praise and watchful eye on where it has been
exposed. A rereading personality so striking that really deserves a second look. Is
my invitation to observe this work and why not do it listening to some of the band.

Femme fatale

I'll be your mirror


Size.: 110cm x 110cm
Oil on Canvas